Think you know football? Join our all new competition, Last Man Standing! What is Last Man Standing? Last Man Standing is a fantasy knock-out competition based on the real-world results of the English Premier League. How do I play? You choose a Premiership team you think will win their fixture on a given weekend. If your chosen team wins, you sail safely through to the next gameweek. If your team draws or loses, you are unceremoniously knocked out of the game. You are playing to win with every choice you make! Each week more and more of your fellow players will be knocked out of the game until only one player is left – you, the winner! That sounds easy! Not quite. The catch – you can only pick each team once per game. So every week you survive, you'll have fewer good teams left to choose from. Entry It costs £10 to join the game. Half of the money will be donated to Wingate & Finchley, and the other half of the pot will go entirely to the last man standing! Note..the game will be ended after ten weeks, and any remaining players will split the pot so that registration can re-open for a new game to start the following week. To enter please pay Paul Lerman before the first game kicks off by cash or cheque made out to W&FFC. You will then be given instructions of the website where the results will be stored.
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